
Showing posts from October, 2023

people who use the same password for all the apps

Although it may seem obvius, using the same password for everything is a very bas idea, but despite everything there are many people who do it. For convenience, for ease of remenbering, for laziness...  However this represent a seriuos security problem and, in case it is leaked, or we are hacked, the attackers will have the facilities in the world to access the of our accounts. 5 tips to avoid or solve this problem: -1º Create easy-to-remenber keyboard patterns -2º Use numbers instead of letters -3º Do not use personal data to create it -4º Use a password manager -5º Use patterns of leters and numbers that are easy for you to remember Fill this form   


MOTHER BOARD The motherdboard is a printed circuit to which the components that make up the computer are connected. It is a fundamental part to assemble any laptop, personal computer or any device. it has a series of integrated circuits instaled, among which is the auxiliar integrated circuit(chipset), which serves as a conection center betwee the microprocessor(CPU), ramdom access memory(RAM), expansion slots and other devices,